Friday, January 4, 2008

Post 15-Thing 16, Using MNLink/MINITEX Document Delivery Service

MEDD is basically a service offered by MINITEX whereby documents are delivered to you electronically, free of charge. All you need to do is create an account for your school or classroom. Articles can be viewed, downloaded or printed, though there are copyright restrictions. See

Many of the private and suburban high schools use MEDD and I continue to be surprised that no one in SPPS has made use of it. I encourage you to check it out. We are here to facilitate if you want to give it a whirl.



--Deanna said...

Thanks for publicizing this, Leslie! I first learned about MEDD about a year ago and I can't believe that more schools aren't using this service. Fast, on-demand, to-your-desktop service - practically perfect for those "I need it NOW!" moments so many students have. :)

Linda said...

I think I looked into this awhile back, and backed away because the LMS had to be the clearinghouse for everyone in the school. In other words, a student couldn't directly access the docs. It had to be done through the LMS requesting them. Am I thinking of something else? Linda