Sunday, February 10, 2008

Post 16- Thing 17, One New Thing: Comic Life

As far as "new things" are concerned, there are so very many that I see or interact with on a daily basis, that I become a little dizzy just thinking about the possibilities. The truth is, I am not one to "play" on the computer- for me, my computer equals work- so I appreciate it when I am forced to learn a new application, such as when I promise to teach it to a class of students...

My tech integration colleagues have done some very cool projects with students using Comic Life, piquing my interest. (See French postcards at Washington- )
I had not gotten around to actually using it though, until I talked Jill at Harding into using it with her Spanish students for a class project. (I also volunteered to teach it to them....) Students can use their own digital photos or create their own art for the strips. They then insert dialog and captions to tell the story or relay the information. I could see this used in many content areas for biographies, how-to, persuasive, pro and cons on an issue and many others. In the case of Jill's Spanish III students, we used it to practice present and past tenses.
Though not every student was completely immersed in the project, I'd venture to say that they enjoyed it, and that it was a nice change of pace for them. Show-time is later this week, on Thursday, when we'll see the finished products. I'll plan to post a couple of them here.

The upshot is that I see this product, which is available to all SPPS staff & students, as a great "show what you know" tool for our students, particularly for ELL or World Language practice.
Try to find some time to check it out.


1 comment:

Janet Knoll said...

Wow, that's really fun! Like you, I get overwhelmed by the "stuff" there is on the internet, and I also am not one to play on the computer. So I had not paid any attention to Comic Life. But just now, after reading your post, I spent 5 minutes dragging a couple of photos from my iPhoto file and adding text, and I can see how it would make a great format for a class assignment. Pretty much plagiarism-proof. I'll add this to the list of things to suggest to teachers. -Janet