Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Post 6- Thing 2, My Blog

The Blog, though created, seems to be an ongoing character building experience...
I continue to have log in problems, requiring several tries. The images I attempted
to upload resulted in error messages. My avatar is created but I cannot seem to find the
instructions for downloading her, even after many searches on the Yahoo site. Oh yes, and the
fact that I have to do any blogging from home, since Blogger is still blocked from my office.
So much for working in the tech department....

What I am most aware of is the time all this requires- both the doing and the trouble-shooting. Which means that something else needs to give. I don't yet know how I feel about the trade-off.
That said, I love reading your blogs, and like the energy around them.

In regard to other blogs, I have not made time in my life to regularly read the ed tech professional blogs, even though I know they have wonderful discussions and information.
Several of my favorite people (and friends) maintain high profile blogs, which I will try to spend some time reading as we work through the Things. I still tend to read the printed info first, as I spend far too much time in front of my computer already.


1 comment:

Leslie said...

Be careful when you import your Avatar from a PC to a MAC like me. For some reason, the only choice I had was a tiny me or a huge, exploding picture of me, nothing in between. Actually, it ended up being quite FUN!
Good luck.
Leslie E.