Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Post 4- Getting back on track...

Unfortunately, this is not easy... after being out of town, I tried coming back last week, but could not get into my blog due to Google changes. Got that figured out, but now it seems I can't work on this from work due to filter issues. But I am back and determined.

I am fascinated with this whole concept of blogs and the possibilities, but for me as for all of you, the issue is time- and finding it to keep up with an additional responsibility. I have not exactly started this out right- which causes me a fair amount of chagrin. My false starts bring to mind the tag on Mary Mehsikomer's (from MDE) emails-
"If you can't serve as a good example, at least you can serve as a horrible warning..."
One of the things I've always liked about education (and I used this often enough in the classroom) is that when you have a bad class, day, week, or year, you can regroup, come back the next class, day, week or year and do it again, better. I would like to be a good example for you all, so here I am.

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